This is an example How To user guide explaining the Freeze feature in Google Sheets (I have no affiliation with Google). I originally wrote it as a part of a technical writing assessment. It follows the Microsoft Style Guide. You can compare to Google's original documentation here.
Use Freeze to pin rows and columns in place so they’re always visible when scrolling through a spreadsheet. You can freeze the first row or column, the first two rows or columns, or up to a specific row or column.
Note: You can’t freeze a row or column in the middle of a spreadsheet, and you can’t freeze rows or columns that include part of a merged cell.
Freeze the first row or column, or the first two rows or columns, in a spreadsheet.
Freeze from the first row or column up to a specific row or column.
You can also freeze up to a row or column directly in the spreadsheet:
Unfreeze rows or columns in a spreadsheet.
You can also unfreeze rows or columns directly in the spreadsheet: